Happy Hooves Sanctuary was founded and established officially in 2020. It is a registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit in Washington State Charitable Organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of abused, abandoned, and neglected horses and exists for the purpose of achieving this mission. We rely on the support of donors and the general public to continue and advance this mission supporting our animals and educating the community.


Note: When using the digital waiver provided above, you can not leave any section blank with the digital waiver or it won't let you complete it.  


If you prefer to sign a paper copy of the waiver, you can print out the Paper Waiver and complete it before your arrival.
Liability Release_Happy Hooves_Sanctuary.pdf

NOTICE: Happy Hooves Sanctuary Is an Equine Facility, Not a Spectator Area

All activities on Happy Hooves Sanctuary are subject to the Equine Inherent Risk Law. By your presence on Happy Hooves Sanctuary, you have indicated that you have accepted the limits of liability resulting from inherent risks of equine activities. All persons at Happy Hooves Sanctuary will be regarded as participants and limited by the Equine Inherent Risk Law.